“Stop Rewarding Sociopaths:” Rose McGowan’s Open Letter To Hollywood About Rape


After an emotional tweetstorm about her own experience with sexual assault in Hollywood, actress Rose McGowan has penned an open letter to the industry, asking her colleagues to “be brave” and “be better.”

“To the women and men in the entertainment industry who know exactly whom and what I am talking about, I say be brave…You are culpable for your actions. Stop rewarding sociopaths. Every time you sanction abhorrent behaviour, you are aiding and abetting a crime, that makes you no better than the criminal. How many more stories to you have to hear before you do the right thing and stop rewarding men that are predators?”

Previously, the actress had described her own experience with assault and Hollywood’s indifference to it using the #whywomendontreport hashtag, which was a response to the Trump allegations and their smearing in the right-wing press.

Recently, the actress also made an anti-Trump PSA for the “Women Can Stop Trump” website, which is run by political organization Emily’s List.