Hillary Clinton’s campaign has announced that it will join efforts to pursue recounts in several key states following the presidential election in an article published by Clinton’s counsel Marc Elias on Medium. “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves, but now that a recount has been initiated in Wisconsin, we intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides,” writes Elias. He also outlines steps taken since the election results to rule out voter interference. Green Party candidate Jill Stein has raised millions of dollars, calling for a recount in Wisconsin. “If Jill Stein follows through as she has promised and pursues recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan, we will take the same approach in those states as well,” Elias adds. The Trump campaign has not responded with comments yet.