Dirty Projectors Tease More New Music, Accompanied By Cryptic Text About Bubbles


Dirty Projectors have teased new music, following September’s release of the excellent (perhaps with the exception of David Longstreth’s rap interlude) “Keep Your Name,” which seemed to be about a breakup between Longstreth and fellow Projector Amber Coffman. (Coffman also announced she’d be releasing a solo album, City of No Reply, and shared the seemingly weightily titled “All to Myself.”)

“Keep Your Name” had originally been teased in cryptic bits on Twitter, and it seems like the Dirty Projectors are doing something similar for another song, as they’ve just posted a 1-minute clip of what could be part of another full new track, accompanied by film footage.

Pitchfork says they tried to contact the band’s reps for more info on this — which also happens to be their first Tweet since September — but came back empty. The video is captioned with text “Do Not Wanna Live In A Li t t le Bub b l e,” and said “Li t t le Bub b l e” could to be referring to our technology-framed information bubbles, as the video is just an infinite regress of tablet screens — or any other bubble! (Relationship bubble! Liberal elite bubble! The Bubble Boy!)

Dirty Projectors’ last full album, Swing Lo Magellan, was released nearly five years ago; could this new teaser, coupled with “Keep Your Name,” be signifying an upcoming album release? Until we find out more, check out the contents of this Li t t le Bub b le: