The Swiss stop motion animation film Ma Vie de Courgette will be released in the United States on February 24, under the title My Life as a Zucchini, and the film — which thankfully bears no resemblance, thematic or otherwise, to Veggie Tales — has its first U.S. trailer. The film brings levity and whimsy as it explores the otherwise heavy environment of a foster home, following the death of the titular (he goes by Zucchini) nine-year-old protagonist’s mother.
The trailer is in French with English subtitles, but /Film notes that it’ll be released in the U.S. with an English dub that features Will Forte, Ellen Page, Nick Offerman, and Amy Sedaris.
The film — which was up for a Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature — is actually Switzerland’s entry for the Foreign Language Oscar shortlist. When it passed through various festivals last year, Courgette — written by Girlhood’ s Céline Sciamma, directed by Claude Barras, and adapted from a novel by Gilles Paris — seemed to win over just about everyone who reviewed it, with Variety saying “on one hand, the cartoon is never afraid to be cute, but more importantly, it’s committed to being real,” and The Hollywood Reporter calling it a “lovingly told and gorgeously rendered story.”
Watch the trailer: