Netflix has announced its first animated feature film, an R-rated revisionist history called America: The Motion Picture, with America’s dreamboat Channing Tatum — who recently voiced Superman in The LEGO Batman Movie — voicing the lead character: George Washington.
According to Deadline , Archer executive producer Matt Thompson is set to direct, and will produce the film alongside his creative partner, Archer creator/writer Adam Reed. Dave Callaham, who penned the screenplays for The Expendables and its sequels, wrote the script.
No details about the script or cast, aside from Tatum, have been released, but there are reasons to get excited about the film even at this nascent stage. The fact that the duo behind Archer is behind the movie means it’s sure to look spectacular — Archer boasts some of the most sophisticated and detailed animation on TV. The time is ripe for a comedically revisionist history of the United States — and the continuing success of the hip-hop musical Hamilton indicates a craving for stories about America’s past told through a contemporary lens. And really, who hasn’t imagined George Washington speaking in caramel-smooth tones of this great nation’s most desirable actor/dancer?