Rest in peace, Erin Moran, star of the sitcom Happy Days and its spin-off Joanie Loves Chachi. The latter featured the beloved actress with her on-screen love interest Scott Baio as Chachi Arcola in Chicago trying to make it as musicians. But the show’s opening theme song left a lot to be desired and even featured the TV couple singing it to each other, making the whole thing super embarrassing. We revisit that song, along with several other TV themes that got extra weird. Share your personal favorites with us on Twitter or Facebook.
Joanie Loves Chachi
Too earnest for TV, too melodramatic for the soaps.
The Brady Brides
The Brady brides don’t get their own damn houses, and they don’t get their own damn theme song either.
Small Wonder
Creepy, depressing, and boasting disturbing lines like “she’s fantastic, made of plastic.”
Star Trek: Enterprise
Soft rock? Dad jam? What a way to alienate the fans.
Walker, Texas Ranger
Stalker, Texas Ranger.