Samantha Bee on the Multifaceted Awfulness of Trump’s Twitter Account


Beyond mere “covfefe”-ing, Donald Trump’s Twitter account is an unfiltered stream of bigoted, diplomatically dangerous, consciousness — and one that, recently, has sparked legal concerns. Just this Tuesday, as NBC news reports, First Amendment lawyers sent Trump a letter regarding his blocking habit, claiming that banning people is unconstitutional, given that his Twitter space is a public forum. Samantha Bee had another idea on Full Frontal last night — “delete your fucking account.” (I’m no lawyer, but I assume that could also lead to some big legal questions, so perhaps a variation: leave your stupid fucking account up as a record of the endless stupidity we’ve endured, then stop Tweeting, etc.)

Bee focused specifically on Trump’s most recent ghastly usage of the social media forum — to scold London mayor Sadiq Khan for his response (which Trump took entirely out of context) to the London Bridge terrorist attack on June 3; it came after a thread of Tweets from Trump trying to re-promote his now two-time-halted Islamophobic “travel ban.” Khan’s refreshing reply to Trump calling his response to the attacks “pathetic”: “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I really don’t care … I really couldn’t be bothered about what Donald Trump tweets.”

Trump, meanwhile, can be bothered by what celebrities like Meryl Streep say about him at awards ceremonies…and then use his now-political-platform to talk shit about their very successful careers between espousals of half-baked policy. As Bee puts it, “Trump is the only senile old man in the world who’s actually correct that the TV’s been talking to him.”

Bee contrasted Trump’s despicable display of anti-support following the attack to the ways countries have responded when America’s gone through similar moments of mourning. Recalling “our hour of grief” following September 11, Bee notes that “all our NATO allies rallied ’round; the French newspaper Le Monde even ran the headline, ‘we are Americans.’ Do you have any idea what it takes for French people to say they’re Americans?”

Watch the clip: