Amazing Cutaway Illustration Honors Historic Film Camera and Cult Movies


Studio Dorothy just dropped a new print that pays homage to the Arriflex 35 IIC motion picture camera, which became popular with the Hollywood New Wave cinematographers and directors thanks to its convenient hand-held capabilities. Filmmakers at the time were relying on heavier rigs like the Mitchell BNCR, which made the Arri 35 IIC a dream.

And in case you need a famous endorsement, Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange was shot almost entirely with the Arriflex. The new Dorothy print features iconic scenes from famous Arri-shot films, including the moment inside the Korova Milk Bar in Kubrick’s cult classic.

It’s a clever, cutaway-style poster for any film fan who knows their tech specs and appreciates fine cinema. How many movies can you identify? Buy the litho print over here.