I mean seriously, just look at them.
Here’s the clip for “Make Me Feel,” in which Monáe decides that the only way to top the absolute banger of a Prince riff she’s put on wax is to make the greatest Robert Palmer video he never made. Maybe there’s been a sexier clip lately, but we’re too busy sweating to think of one:
Like, what’re we even supposed to do with this moment between her and Tessa Thompson?
Or this?
Most artists, of course, would drop a video this hot and then retire for the rest of the year. Janelle put out another one, the same day.
So here’s “Django Jane,” which is regal and stylish and just mind-blowing:
Yes, she went here:
“Remember when they used to say I looked too manish?” Um, now that you mention it, we’d forgotten all about that.
The two clips are from the accompanying “emotion picture” for her new album Dirty Computer, which we’ve mentioned before. Both are due on April 27. It’s fair to say we’re looking forward to them.