Ingrid Calame’s 2007 painting #258 Drawing and a Jean-Valentine Morel jeweled cup, a gold medal winner from the 1855 Paris World Fair.
Rejected offers from the New Orleans Museum of Art included:
Auguste Renoir, Seamstress at the Window (1908) and crown jewel in the collection, Vigée-Lebrun’s Portrait of Marie Antoinette from 1788 just one year before the French Revolution.
And the final accord pits two canvases against each other in the Super Bowl of art haggling…
IMA: J.M.W. Turner’s The Plague of Egypt from 1800.
NOMA: Claude Lorrain, Ideal View of Tivoli, 1644.
Who are you betting on come Sunday, February 7?
Follow Max Anderson of the Indianapolis Museum of Art on Twitter, or keep the smack-talk in check on NOMA’s own Twitter feed.