Today at Flavorpill, we watched a snake smoke cigarettes. We weren’t fooled by Ke$ha’s Hollywood sign publicity stunt. We lusted after this awesome art history poster. We laughed at some fictional lit nerds on Twitter. We wondered why so many people wonder if David Lynch is a vegetarian. We got a sneak peek at Christina Aguilera’s live-action big-screen debut, Burlesque. (It’s also Cher’s first movie in almost a decade.) We learned that when it comes to what men want, Megan Fox is the least common denominator. We were surprised (and excited) to see Gawker tackle indie film distribution. We were shocked by NBC’s ability to make a clean break from all things Conan — they should teach a course. This photograph made us chuckle (by the by, Ferris’ Then We Came to the End is amazing). And finally, we made a donation to Giant Robot magazine. They’re hoping to raise $60,000 in order to keep publishing for the next year.