Rate-A-Trailer: Get Him To The Greek


In Forgetting Sarah Marshall , rock star Aldous Snow was a hilarious car-wreck of stereotypes: the schmaltzy, world-savior lyrics of Bono, the rock-star public persona of Tommy Lee, and the sexual prowess of Wilt Chamberlain (judging from the ridiculous quotes in his Playboy interview, the John Mayer no-filter quotability comparison also wouldn’t be far off). Russell Brand was so memorable as the British maniac that Judd Apatow signed him on for Get Him To The Greek , a spin-off reintroducing Brand as the Infant Sorrow lead-singer and Jonah Hill as the awkward devotee introduced to the rock-star world of debauchery, responsible for getting Snow to a triumphant anniversary show on time.

Snow is billed as “rock-star personified,” which apparently includes naked jaunts in a mini-Escalade, and Brand looks to be in his full-on Gothic hooker fashion mode. Most of the humor seems derived from Hill’s naivety and fish-out of water situation, although the trailer also finds time for a self-parodying Puff Daddy, an absinthe-soaked adrenaline-needle bacchanal, and Aziz Ansari sinking deeper and deeper into a “Raaaaaaandy” black hole.

Watch the full trailer below, and hope for more Infant Sorrow music videos as good as “We’ve Got To Do Something.”