Kosmozero, Karelia region, Church of St Alexander Svirsky (1769)
“Many churches have been lost: some have been left to rot; some have been destroyed by lightning; countless others by ignorance, spite and neglect. Last year, one church was hit by a reversing tractor – it tumbled like a pack of cards.”
Verkhniaya Uftiuga, Arkhangel region, Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica (1784)
Permogorye, Arkhangel region, Church of St. George (1665)
“There is however much to celebrate. The integrity between the landscape and the architecture of this wooden world is as striking to us today as it was to Bilibin. The basic simplicity of the log cabin construction and the extravagant fantasies superimposed on it are just as startling.”
Kokkoila, Karelia region, Chapel of St. Barbara (early 18th century)
Imzha, Arkhangel region, Church of the Virgin Hodigitria (1763)
Many more images on Davies’s website, and read the explanation behind the series here.
[via Arkinet]