The Morning’s Top 5 Pop Culture Stories


1. Former Saturday Night Live “presidents” Will Ferrell, Fred Armisen, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Dana Carvey, and Darrell Hammond, have joined forces for a skit encouraging financial regulatory reform. (video) [via HuffPo] 2. Check out this short documentary about Ryan Gosling‘s band, Dead Man’s Bones. [via Pitchfork] 3. Is 8-year-old Brazilian talent show contestant Laura Montana a.k.a. “Baby Gaga” going to be the next Susan Boyle? [via The Awl] 4. Martin Scorsese has announced that he’s working on a documentary about writer/social commentator Fran Lebowitz. [via The Playlist] 5. The American Ballet Theatre has canceled its fall season, citing the need for rehearsal time for a new production of The Nutcracker and lack of funds. [via WSJ]

Coachella giveaway: We use Yahoo! Search to help find the top culture stories of the day. Now we’re giving you the chance to play editor, and you just might win a trip to Coachella.

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