The Morning’s Top 5 Pop Culture Stories


1. The Flaming Lips have announced details of their upcoming US tour and the physical release of their Dark Side Of The Moon cover album. [via NME] 2. In case you missed last night’s birthing, there are photos of Jim and Pam’s baby over at the Halpert Baby Blog. [via Pop Candy] 3. Robert F. Kennedy‘s son freaked out earlier this week when he discovered that the clothing that his father was wearing when he was assassinated back in 1968 was being displayed at an exhibit in Las Vegas. [via Discovery News] 4. Oliver Stone will direct and produce Savages, based on an upcoming Don Winslow novel about “two pals from Laguna Beach who share the same girlfriend and a thriving business growing and distributing the best-quality pot on the planet.” [via Deadline] 5. Chuck Close finds this year’s Armory Show “very dull and ordinary.” [via Vulture]

Coachella giveaway: We use Yahoo! Search to help find the top culture stories of the day. Now we’re giving you the chance to play editor, and you just might win a trip to Coachella.

Use Yahoo! Search to find an interesting link about The Flaming Lips, and drop it below in the comments. Our favorite entry will receive a digital download of The Dark Side of the Moon and more importantly, be entered to win a VIP trip for two to Coachella. Topics will be changing throughout the week, so get your search on and keep playing to increase your chances of winning!

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