Also of note — Wallace’s extensive note-taking on other people’s work:
Don DeLillo’s Players:
Don DeLillo’s Ratner’s Star:
Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree:
(The audacity! A commentary on the man or random doodles born of boredom? Either way, we love it.)
Edwin Williamson’s Borges: A Life:
See even more at the Ransom Center website.
UT Austin is also the possessor of Wallace’s American Heritage Dictionary (He didn’t use the OED? Our world is totally rocked), complete with scribblings and circled words. Behold, a page:
Some other words circled by Wallace in his dictionary and their definitions (a longer list is available here):
-noun Psychiatry.
a symptom of mental disorder involving impairment or loss of volition.
a number of badgers together.
1. a pet name. 2. the practice of using a pet name. 3. the use of forms of speech imitative of baby talk, esp. by an adult.
a person to whom a legacy is bequeathed.
peccant –adjective 1.sinning; guilty of a moral offense. 2. violating a rule, principle, or established practice; faulty; wrong.
uxorious –adjective doting upon, foolishly fond of, or affectionately submissive toward one’s wife.
valgus –noun 1. an abnormally turned position of a part of the bone structure of a human being, esp. of the leg. –adjective 2. of or in such a position; bowlegged, knock-kneed, or the like.
No words were circled in the x, y, or z sections of the dictionary. Very curious. Discuss!