The Morning’s Top 5 Pop Culture Stories


1. The 22 pieces of custom-made furniture Michael Jackson commissioned for his planned home in London during the This Is It tour (including a leopard-print chair trimmed with ostrich feathers) are going on the auction block. [via Salon] 2. Joaquin Phoenix will presumably be shaving off his crazy person beard to play Edgar Allen Poe in a film adaptation of The Beautiful Cigar Girl by Daniel Stashower. [via The Playlist] 3. The National Book Critics Circle awards were last night, and Hilary Mantel won the fiction award for her Tudor-era novel Wolf Hall which previously scored the 2009 Man Booker Prize for Fiction. [via WSJ] 4. Can a comedy that’s being shot by half a dozen different filmmakers turn out funny? With Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Gerard Butler, Elizabeth Banks, Johnny Knoxville, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse also involved, then perhaps. [via Wired] 5. Jay-Z‘s involvement with the controversial Atlantic Yards project has earned him some new enemies in brownstone Brooklyn. [via The Awl]

Coachella giveaway: We use Yahoo! Search to help find the top culture stories of the day. Now we’re giving you the chance to play editor, and you just might win a trip to Coachella.

Use Yahoo! Search to find an interesting link about Michael Jackson, and drop it below in the comments. Our favorite entry will receive a copy of

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