What’s On at Flavorpill: Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we had a staring contest with artist Marina Abramović. We looked at the greatest film scenes ever shot. We matched typefaces with dog breeds. We worried about Dave Grohl’s coffee addiction. We decided never to get on Elizabeth Bennet’s bad side. We were thankful to come across this database of popular character actors. We wanted to gobble this entire plate of Lady Gaga “Telephone” cookies. We learned what New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones listens to on his morning commute. We felt sad that the Sam Mendes/Kate Winslet split is official, but happy that we won’t have to see her in another one of his depressing movies. And finally, we discovered these 24 secret restaurant menus — and made a vow to order a Jack and Jill Sundae the next time we’re at the DQ.