What’s On at Flavorpill: Links that Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, when we were supposed to be busy working… we discovered some iPhone-friendly gloves and the connection between love and Canada geese; we found another reason to dislike The City; we were ridiculously excited for our bike riding friends who hit the streets at night; we learned Hillary Clinton hearts New York so much that she wrote a book about it; we also learned that Joaquin Phoenix was serious about the whole rapping thing; we put down our Vitamin Water (or, sugar + water) and opted for a sugar-free Redbull instead; we were sort of shocked to discover that crack wasn’t always whack for Oprah; we were equally surprised to see Bjork and P. Diddy collaborate on a project (wait for it, we promise); and finally, we LOLed at this clip of Wanda Sykes claiming gay marriage + ice sculptures will save the economy.