Pic of the Day: Sundays with Skeletor


The New York Times. A bagel. A cold glass of Tang. When Brooklyn-based artist Kiersten Essenpreis was asked to contribute a few pieces to a show inspired by The Masters of the Universe, she pictured the guys on their day off. “Being a super-ultra-mega fan from 1983-85, followed by a brief few months in ‘86, where I thought I might actually be She-Ra, you can imagine the fun I had painting these,” she explains. After the jump, check out He-Man trimming his bowl cut and Skeletor getting a very evil root canal.

Trimming the Bowl Cut, Flashe on wood, sealed in resin

Skeletor Gets a Root Canal, Flash on wood, sealed in resin

Note: If you like what you see, prints are being made by LA’s Gallery 1988, hopefully to be out sometime in April. You should also check out the other limited-edition prints available on her website. We’re madly in love the one below.

[via BuzzFeed]