Lost Goes Minimalist


No joke: we love minimalist posters. But a minimalist take on Lost, with its six seasons, ridiculous plot twists, and roughly 30 main characters, is no easy feat. However, the cult of Lost breeds superfans, among which Georgia-based artist Gideon Slife is no exception. He decided to create a poster for every, single , episode, starting with the pilot from 2004. The posters feature a muted color palette and a pithy phrase summarizing the installment. So far, Slife is up to his 78th poster (that’s halfway through the fourth season, for the few undevoted Losters out there), and is planning to work his way up to the 121st poster for the series finale on May 23rd. Check our some of our favorite graphic images and see if you can pin each one to its proper season.

Keep tabs on Slife’s progress on Flickr.