Object Lesson: Jeff Bark, Fan, n.d.
Object Lesson: Sharon Core, Early American, Still Life with Steak and Asparagus, 2008
Use Me, Abuse Me: Osang Gwon, Blu Ray,2009
Use Me, Abuse Me: Linus Bill, Untitled, 2008
Bodies in Question: Marc Garanger, Algerian Women, 1960
Bodies in Question: Robbie Cooper, Alter Ego, 2007
Hidden Books, Hidden Stories: Alice O’Malley, Community of Elsewhere, Dr. Julia, 2000
Hidden Books, Hidden Stories: Paul Kooiker, from the series Crush, 2009
Liu Yuan, Pyangyang, North Korea 2008, from Red Land
Outsider Land: Veronique Bourgoin
Tierney Fellowship: Michele Borzoni
Anthropographia 2010: Human Rights & Photography: Child Soldier by Marcus Bleasdale