The 10 Links That Made Our Day


Today at Flavorpill, we celebrated the final launch of the space shuttle Atlantis with Jeremy Geddes gravity-defying paintings. We revisited the scary mugs of some of our favorite ’80s film bullies. We wanted to be this five-week old baby who already has his own black AmEx card. We were surprised by a pretty infographic about America’s most prescribed psychiatric drugs — we had no idea that Xanax dominated things so severely. We felt like the original Care Bears are > Hipster Bears. We wanted a slice of this embroidered Wonder bread. We couldn’t believe how many different cover designs David McCandless went through for Information Is Beautiful. And they’re all amazing. We imagined a world where you could photoshop everything. We discovered how overused the phrase “I hate muffins” is in film. And finally, we were frightened by this really big carp. It looks like that big fish with one tooth from Super Mario Brothers 3. We believe her name was Big Bertha.