8. M.I.Augmented Reality Received much criticism for releasing a music video about the extermination of red-colored robots.
9. Modest Man Modest Man trail-blazed a path with their turbo-blasters for critically acclaimed android-artists to also win mainstream success.
10. Neon Optimus Prime The song “Deadbeat Summer” is about the summer of 2012, when the humans’ hearts stopped beating.
11. Peoplehunter “Nothing Ever Happened (Before 2012)” took awhile to reach the mainstream, but is slowly gaining more and more popularity.
12. Robot For Lashes Auto-bloggers gushed over this FemBot’s last album There Aren’t Two Suns, There Isn’t Even One Sun both because it was a brilliant effort and because she is one of the most attractive FemBots on the “scene.”
13. She Robot & He Robot Much like Robot For Lashes, the success of this band in getting tons of coverage from auto-bloggers is in large part due to the incredible attractiveness of She Robot. He Robot is decent at electric guitar, though.
14. Suf-TRON Stevens One of the most famous legends about Suf-TRON Stevens is how he claimed he would write an album about every state in the United States of America. Since none of those states exist anymore, he was able to complete his goal immediately.
15. The xx This band was named for what the humans’ eyes look like now.