Today at Flavorpill, we welcomed back the Vaselines, who just unveiled a new single. (It has been over 20 years since their last LP.) We learned the full names of 22 famous fictional characters — like, did you know that Barbie’s name is Barbara Millicent Roberts? We found out where the members of the original A-Team cast are now. We were impressed by how good the world’s oldest leather shoe looks 5,500 years later. We got sad just thinking about a world without Jaws, Chinatown, or Life of Brian. We laughed out loud over McSweeney’s “Great Literature Retitled To Boost Website Traffic.” We had fun imagining what was going through Meredith Veira’s head when this 13-year-old interviewee dropped two c-bombs in a row on The Today Show. We found out that it pays more to tweet if you’re Bob Vila than Stephanie Pratt. And finally, we watched Alfred Hitchcock drop the first ever “that’s what she said” joke. The year? 1929.